Our Story

It all started with a little lady originally from Chicago, with an unusual addiction to plants and gardening. I decided to relocate to the Dallas area for land, a longer growing season, and to escape the cold of course. Whenever I had a bad day, or simply wanted to get out for a "fun night out" I got all cute and dolled up and went nursery hopping, to browse and purchase new plants. My home became a mini jungle, yet the topic of discussion whenever friends and family would visit; eventually they would visit just to see my plants!! I became the go-to in my circle for all things plant and garden related. Eventually people starting making cash offers on my plants, and within a few months, the word had spread faster than I could realize I had a business!!! One of my favorite plants and flower is Birds of Paradise. 

Plant Paradise, is a local plant nursery serving the DFW Metroplex. We specialize in tropical plants sales, plant care, educational workshops and plant rental services. It is our focus to ensure that our plants are healthy and vibrant before they leave our nursery, and that we educate our plant family community on proper care for every plant we sell. We take pride in building relationships and treat our customers life family. Once you purchase a plant from us you can also contact us with any questions you have regarding your plant, and WE love when customers share pictures of plants they purchased from us.

Thank you for reading our story, I look forward to meeting you!
